I have been writing fantasy stories since I was a pre-teen, and picked up the poet hat along the way in the last decade. Writing began for me as a coping mechanism for anxiety and depression, but grew into something I loved for its freedom of expression. Now, as an adult equipped with a plethora of skills to keep my mental health stronger, I try my hardest to use this freedom for helping others through their own dark times.

I strive to create characters that will inspire those who have been down trodden to never give up on themselves and their future happiness. Alongside that purpose, I work hard to accurately represent mental illnesses and fight stigmas surrounding them by portraying them as natural struggles people have, rather than using them for villainous behavior or romanticizing them for the plot.

Since being diagnosed recently with ADHD, I have also added myself to the vast list of helping hands in the writing community. I try to build resources and advice for fellow writers that struggle the same way I do with ones that expect me to know how to plan ahead for my stories.

I have built this site to become a place where I can gather my creative works, connect with my readership, and help other writers (or would – be writers) fall more in love with the craft. I would like it to become a community for creators to add their pieces to the den, and readers to enjoy works they may not find anywhere else. I hope there’s something here for everyone, and if you feel the den is missing a piece, send it in!


Sable’s Journey is a tale that dances across the fine line between despair and hope, while daring to challenge the very structures of storytelling.

In search of answers and a dear friend, Sable’s journey leads her on a blood stained path filled with strange creatures, and seemingly friendly immortals. Her guide being a god forgotten by the world, one who meets hatred from anyone she reveals him to, including the unstable immortal who’s chosen to travel at her side.





A collection of freeform poetry that came from a decade of battling depression and anxiety.

This poetry book lays the author’s heart bare for the reader to see with no holds barred in hopes that they will read something their own heart has cried before.

You are not alone, and you will survive this.